Copying from a thread that I enjoyed over at WUS because I love looking at the movements of my watches. I find the gears, rotor and other doodads quite relaxing. Here are some of my favorites and I'm looking forward to seeing yours. Cheers!
Okay, Arty, WILCO, but this is gonna be a multi-post process, as opposed to one big , all-at-once post, okay? Okay...
This last one is NOT an eggs-ah-bishen window, but rather the closed case-back removed to show the movement's micro-rotor, a rare 1950's-60's 'thing' that always looks cool, IMHO ...and that will do it for the moment, as it's almost half-past midnight in my part of the world, and the dead need their rest...
I have to say this is my favorite thread... EVER!! Nice pics NC. The last shot of that Invicta's insides is especially cool! I seriously need to get me a straight up mechanical.
Shot my wad with that post. Those were the only pics on my phone. I can do more but that would require more picture taking and uploading. Sleep calls on this side of the globe, maybe I can grab a few tomorrow and keep this party rolling.
Gonna squeeze outta few more here...oh, dear; that sounds awful! Well, I'll see if I can locate a few more of these exhibitionist's case-backs from all those weird pages in my Photobucket Philes that I haven't been to in years...wish me luck!
And THAT about duzzit, gang...heck, even I din't know eYe had diss mini wartches...
"My name is Buster; Buster Bond, Agent 007. Looks like you've got a loovely set 'o matching BAGS, Ms. Moneypenny...hoe about takin' one for the old 'Double-O's?WOOF!!"