I invited someone to join

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I invited someone to join

Post by svaglic » Fri May 18, 2018 6:30 pm

I invited Stephenmazinger to join us. He has a blog and has reviewed some nice watches. I think it would be cool if he were welcomed here and if he would share his blog reviews with us. Perhaps one a week, but up to him.
We are on the verge of growing guys and this would do us good having his information and him here. He's a decent guy.
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Re: I invited someone to join

Post by svaglic » Fri May 18, 2018 6:38 pm

I was looking his blog over and he has done some nice reviews and his photography runs circles around mine.
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Re: I invited someone to join

Post by svaglic » Fri May 18, 2018 6:42 pm

Arty, can you approve him for membership if he joins or do we have to wait for Koi? I messaged Koi about it, so when opens up his email he should get to it, but I thought if you knew how then it would be quicker.
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Re: I invited someone to join

Post by Artman » Fri May 18, 2018 6:44 pm

Once the dust settles next door he may be a good Lord after all, but i can't seem to worry that we need to prepare for an incoming typhoon. As for membership, I didn't realize we needed to accept anyone into this place! All welcome as far as I'm concerned.
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Re: I invited someone to join

Post by svaglic » Fri May 18, 2018 6:46 pm

When someone signs up there needs to be an approval I think. Checking out ip's and stuff so that it's safe.
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Re: I invited someone to join

Post by Mortuus Fakeuus » Fri May 18, 2018 11:25 pm

First off, I think that inviting steppenwolfer is a terrific idea, and one I actually thought of as I read the 'dust-up' over on WL. I liked his review of the Hawaiian Life Guard watch, and I told him so, even as the jagoff club over there were giving him the typical ration and-a-half of you-know-what… (and that's one of several reasons why I very rarely go to WL anymore, other than to post a review or a moldy oldy article. Beyond that, who's got the time to be treated like a two year-old? I sure as &#$% don't...)

I DO have limited moderator authority in some things here @WF, and have approved a few people for membership, but as so often happens these days, that's the last we ever see of them. Still, I keep trying to stay optimistic, and have taken the liberty of inviting Bigloaf back to our ranks, as well as my very cool budso from the late BDWF, Buster the Bubblehead, a fine and brave British Sea Dogue with lotsa years (25+!) in submarines, and sew fourth. I also took the liberty of inviting James Elsener, owner of the Montres Edouard Lauzières Swiss wartch company, and my friend from the late BDWF, to c'mon down and say howdy to all of us. Of course, I had to leave a message for him on the ƎL website, so God only knows if he'll ever get the word... I'll keep asking others to join as they come and go about the interwebz.

I dunno about you guys, but the loss of BDWF has hit me very hard. I'm told that, at one time, it was like THE biggest wartch site on the webz, with literally hundreds participating on any given day. Heck, they were at one time big enough to have their own commemorative wartches made as custom orders made by companies like Vostok and Seagull, and now they've literally gone out with a whimper instead of a bang. I hate that.

On a related subject, and something that I've talked about before @WF, I used to do a Friday watch theme over @BDWF, where I would "recommend" what type of watch our members should wear on any given Friday. I'd like to start doing that here now, and I'd like to call it the "BDWF Memorial Friday Watch Theme Selection," some such snappy-as-$hit title like that'n...what do y'all think?? Unless no one objects, I'll start doing that again next Friday, the 25th of May.

We ARE on the verge of getting bigger here, so please, let's PM or email our friends from other sites yet again, and ask 'em to Come on DOWN!! The Price is RIGHT!! And sew fourth...

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Re: I invited someone to join

Post by Artman » Sat May 19, 2018 5:06 am

Yeah what did happen to BDWF? Did they implode into a black hole? And before I forget regarding Stephen's Hawaiian watch review the review was good, the photos were great, but I still don't like the watch.
Mortuus Fakeuus

Re: I invited someone to join

Post by Mortuus Fakeuus » Sat May 19, 2018 9:02 am

Well, BDWF had been bleeding participating members for quite some time over the last few years, and basically, over the last few weeks, there were literally TWO of us posting there (usually in the WURW threads, which I usually started), and everyone else was UA, as we used to say in the good old US of N. Finally, about two and-a-half weeks ago, the site went down HARD, and no one has bothered to bring it back up. SOOOO, for all intents and purposes, it's gone out with a whimper instead of a bang, as all of the remaining old guard departed the pattern -- including the current owner -- and it basically just died for lack of maintenance and/or financial support. I think that everyone has just decided to stop prolonging the misery and let the poor thing die off quietly...
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Re: I invited someone to join

Post by svaglic » Sat May 19, 2018 9:12 am

I knew it went down and people had a hard time posting pictures and posts, but didn't realize it was just going to be let go. Has Mike responded to anyone?
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Mortuus Fakeuus

Re: I invited someone to join

Post by Mortuus Fakeuus » Sat May 19, 2018 5:26 pm

svaglic wrote:I knew it went down and people had a hard time posting pictures and posts, but didn't realize it was just going to be let go. Has Mike responded to anyone?

Not so far as I know; in fact I've no idea if anyone's even bothered to TRY contacting Mikie. I don't have his contact info, else I'd have emailed him several times by now. Conjurer or JAS1125 may have it, but I get the strong sense from talking to both gentleman that it would be pointless to resuscitate the derelict site again.

My only recommendation at this point is to try to get ahold of any former BDWF members with whom you have contact info and give them a buzz and ask that they make the change from BDWF to WF, where we seem to be on an upswing in membership of late. Not the easiest COA, I know, but what else is there to do? As much as I know I'm going to miss the place, I seriously believe that there's just NO viability there... :(
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Re: I invited someone to join

Post by svaglic » Sat May 19, 2018 5:33 pm

Wow, so much info on that site and now it will all be gone.
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Re: I invited someone to join

Post by biglove » Sun May 20, 2018 8:49 am

svaglic wrote:Wow, so much info on that site and now it will all be gone.

Forums come and go but you are very much correct about losing all the info from there. That makes me sad.

It is nice to see WF growing. While not a fan of the Stephen blog writing I certainly do appreciate the PS work with his photos. Shows some talent and dedication. Can't help but do a double take on his responses to criticism as they are laughable. If one is going to publish, they'd better be able to handle criticism more eloquently.

He seems to be a guy with a passion for watches and writing. That's good. Hopefully the criticism received at WL will help him to be a better writer.

Personally I am trying to find my space on the internet for watches. WL is dying. The bitterness there is just sad. I have had to unfollow WL on FB and Instagram due to Alain's political rants.

WIT is decent enough but I have to admit the abundance of love there for some really goofy, oversized watches just makes me cringe when I peruse the daily wear threads.

Personally I have lost some interest in the hobby. There are a few watches out there that I still would love to own but they are all far out of my price range for now and the foreseeable future. The hour wheel on my Omega Great White has taken a crap and I cannot get it repaired locally. I don't want to spend the $700+ to send back to Omega for a fix. Plan to sell it "as-is" and cut my losses. Pick it up from the watchmaker Tuesday and will work on a sell this coming weekend.

Just bought a Springfield Saint AR in 5.56 and a new Springfield XD Mod2 sub-compact in .45. Haven't shot at the range in more than a year. Haven't been skeet shooting in at least two years. Plan to spend more time shooting again as it really gives me great pleasure. And it is something my wife and kids love to do, also.

With the watches I have slated to sell, I will be down to 8 if I include the forthcoming WUS vintage diver.
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Re: I invited someone to join

Post by JAS1125 » Sun May 20, 2018 12:57 pm

My contacts with Mike have only been via Facebook and somewhat limited. I know there was a server switch but that's about it. BDWF was my first watch forum and my home on the net, and I share Mort's feelings on it's apparent demise. The loss of information will be terrible unless something is done.

Both Conj and I posted there about joining here or at Lords or both.
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Re: I invited someone to join

Post by svaglic » Sun May 20, 2018 6:06 pm

Alain will work with Mike to retain the info and transfer it or at least have it for future searches. Bdwf owner doesn’t like him so he won’t work with him.
If my ego ever gets so big that I would lose an information rich forum rather than allow help.... everyone of you get together to slap me.
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Re: I invited someone to join

Post by Artman » Sun May 20, 2018 6:22 pm

I feel bad for not giving BDWF much of a chance. Sounds like it was a heckkuva place. I visited a couple times but for some reason or another I didn't stick around.
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Re: I invited someone to join

Post by JAS1125 » Sun May 20, 2018 7:47 pm

Artman wrote:I feel bad for not giving BDWF much of a chance. Sounds like it was a heckkuva place. I visited a couple times but for some reason or another I didn't stick around.

It's hay day was several years ago. The joint was really jumping back then.
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