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Re: BDWF??

Post by JAS1125 » Tue Aug 14, 2018 2:18 pm

MikeyT wrote:It appears that there is little going on here, much like BDWF. That seemed to be headed downhill even before Randy sold it, and little happened after Mike bought it. Members just faded away, even as I did. When I got that email a while ago, I thought maybe this place would bring some life back to the carcass, but it seems that that was not to be... :( I have a fair bit of time on my hands these days, so I expect to drop back in once in a while.

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Re: BDWF??

Post by airnblade » Fri Aug 17, 2018 10:26 am

MikeyT wrote:It appears that there is little going on here, much like BDWF. That seemed to be headed downhill even before Randy sold it, and little happened after Mike bought it. Members just faded away, even as I did. When I got that email a while ago, I thought maybe this place would bring some life back to the carcass, but it seems that that was not to be... :( I have a fair bit of time on my hands these days, so I expect to drop back in once in a while.

WFN has never been advertised on the net. I understand management is posting links to it in several places including the old BDWF. I know some members here are trying to link back to historical links at the original BDWF. Many of the old threads were just titles with no data in them. I rummaged around as have many looking for data. I think this forum will be fine now that others are joining and spreading the word. Hopefully Mike will be able to straighten things out but if not, I am certain Ocean, Jas and others will do what they can to keep the spirit if not the name of bdwf alive.
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