COURG Redux pass around watch.

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COURG Redux pass around watch.

Post by svaglic » Fri Jul 13, 2018 10:58 am

I brought up the idea here.
Well, I found the box for it and am ready to get it going.
Who wants in on giving the COURG Redux a whirl?

Here is some information on it. ... the-courg/

I figure wear it for a week or two and comment on your thoughts. Then pass it on to the next person who wants to wear it for a test drive. I’ll ship it to the first person and then they will ship it to the next and on and on til it’s come to a stop. Then we will see if anyone wants to be the new owner, if they do then they can make a small donation to the forum and if there is an interest of two or more having it then we can have an auction and the proceeds will go to the forum donation. This isn’t a serious dollars grab guys, just a little fun and a little donation to help us be self supporting. I wouldn’t care if it was a $10.00 donation, it’s meant to be fun.

When I first saw this I wanted it. A combo dive pilot watch in a 39mm titanium case. I wouldn’t allow myself to go in on a Kickstarter project though, so I waited a while until a good deal came up.
The forum reviews were tops on this, it was like this was the greatest value out there. Then....the reality set in. People were complaining that no one answered their emails so their watches couldn’t go in for repair. There were problems with the bezel not lining up with the dial and more.

It feels cheap to me, maybe it’s because titanium is so light, but it doesn’t feel right.

The back with the watch info.

The watch, the dial is fine, that’s glare because I shot it head on.

I thought it would be cool to pass around a Kickstarter watch so people can get a feel for the quality of them (this was supposed to be one of the better Kickstarter watches too).

It will come with the NATO that it came on. I don’t know if I will get the strap on before it ships, so the first person may have to install it.
It will come in a wooden box with a small notebook and a watch roll (looks to be made from a military grade tarp.)

It’s not awful, but it’s not all it was hyped to be either. It started out as $199.00 to the first 150 backers on Kickstarter, I was seeing them go for over $350.00 at one point. I think it depended on the type of titanium you wanted too. This is supposed to be the higher titanium. I believe this watch to be worth $90.00 to $120.00, it will be interesting to see your guys thoughts and comments on it.

So who wants in on checking this out?

Someone post this at BDWF so we can get some of those guys in on this.

Credit where credit is due, Foggy did this with his Admiral Spunk on Watchlords. I thought it would be a nice idea to try it out here with some watches we don’t wear anymore and are just collecting dust.
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Mortuus Fakeuus

Re: COURG Redux pass around watch.

Post by Mortuus Fakeuus » Fri Jul 13, 2018 11:41 am

Please count me in, Al...and, since we had an "Admiral Spunk" over @WL, how 'bout we call this wartch the "Captain COURG?" Just a thought from my dead-and-returned-to-dust brain... ;)

PS - Unfortunately, there is no longer anyone participating over at what's left of BDWF, so perhaps it's time we really DO bid it a fond farewell... :(
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Re: COURG Redux pass around watch.

Post by svaglic » Mon Jul 16, 2018 8:12 pm

Sorry Mort, I had it packed up and I set it on the table by the door to take with me and mail on the way. Well, a couple of hours into the trip to Texas, I realized I didn’t have it. It’s still sitting on the table by the door.
I should be back home either tomorrow night or Wednesday morning, so I will get it off on Wednesday.
Sorry, I was rushing and blew it.
It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.
Mortuus Fakeuus

Re: COURG Redux pass around watch.

Post by Mortuus Fakeuus » Sat Jul 21, 2018 11:41 am

No worries, Svagy! CAPT Courg received safely yesterday. Smartass Clever comments and dubious superb snapshots to follow... ;)
Mortuus Fakeuus

Re: COURG Redux pass around watch.

Post by Mortuus Fakeuus » Wed Jul 25, 2018 2:55 pm

Hay, gang!! CAP'N Courg has been safely insconsid own my wrist since his arrival on the 20th. Please forgive me the lack of inny gud pitchers for the last five daze. Eye cain't seem too find my Ewe Ess Bee cable sew eye cain't xfer pitchers frum muh camruh tew muh cumpewtur. It'suh simple-as-a-pimple ficks, as eye ordered sum gnu U. S. Bees frum thuh man-ewe-fact-turer yestiddy, an they shuld bea arthur here sumtyme this weak...ore nexest, maybbey.

In thuh mean tyme, eye ham reely injoying the phit and Finnish off this wartch own its bleck nylown strap ("schtropp," if yore Jill "the Pill" Sumarsteen, "strayupp," if yore Mongo...); it's very cumfor-table an keaps tyme reel gud!!! Eye reely dew lyke it loads & loads an doan juan tew sind it back'tuh Svagy...o, an it luks smashing, an sew forth, wiff my denim diner jacket an' patented lether Cafilornia Hi-whey Puhtroll bewts an pistola bayult. Eye even gots uh gen-u-wine Pont-cho Veeya soambrerro hat two go whiff everfin.

Eye wheel rite mooore jest ass sune ass eYe cann; until thin, havuh grate rest-o-yore-weak!! Morchuss OUT...//
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Re: COURG Redux pass around watch.

Post by Darksider » Wed Apr 21, 2021 11:52 am

Too bad the watch was stolen by misterjingles aka the sluff, sluff baby.

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