WURW theme for Friday June 21 is summer.

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WURW theme for Friday June 21 is summer.

Post by Mark » Thu Jun 20, 2019 11:43 am

It's summertime baby. June 20 or 21 marks the beginning of summer, at least for those of us in the northern hemisphere. Show us a favorite summertime watch-if you have one. Is it the dial color, type of strap, or must your dial or strap match the crocs you are wearing that day? Enquiring minds want to know.
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Re: WURW theme for Friday June 21 is summer.

Post by conjurer » Thu Jun 20, 2019 10:06 pm

JAS1125 wrote:A perfect time for the return of Charles Ninetoes

Indeed. In all the annals of watch fora stooges from now to the end of time, there is nobody who equals Chuck in terms of sheer haplessness. There are worser offenders out there, from jackbooted thugs who ruled their forum with Nazi-like terror, to lickspittles who reveled in their very minor power.

But Charles Ninetoes--a nickname coined in the old BDWF--was special. There's an old saying, from the days when nickels had buffalos minted on them, that a guy was so cheap that he'd squeeze a nickel so hard that the buffalo would shit in their hand; and there was nobody cheaper than Chuck. He had a love for very inexpensive watches, which could be bought, say, in a mall kiosk. If anybody had the temerity to buy something more expensive than a $20 watch, Chuck would explode with horror, bust the guy's balls in the thread, and complain about how somebody could spend so much.

Another endearing quality of Charles Ninetoes was his astounding paranoia; he was convinced that the team that ran the old BDWF was out to get him--and this was the most white-shoe of fora. AFAIK, nobody there was out to get anybody, and if improper things were said about, say, Jawbone Skelton, who had nearly murdered the forum, the thread would get shut down and fingers would be waggled. A less fun part of Chuck was his disdain for larger folks--and, let's face it, a lot of us are somewhat rotund in This Thing of Ours. At one point Chuck started a thread about obese individuals breaking expensive hospital equipment, of which he was responsible in his job. I recall responding to an email from a guy who was highly respected in the hobby, who, like me, was slightly (or more so) overweight. This guy said, and I am relying on my memory, "this cocksucker is really a burr under my saddle, and I'd like to fuck him up." In those days, I was somewhat more diplomatic than I am now, and I replied that, don't worry, Chuck's a goof, but settle the fuck down, don't worry about it.

Alas, (or maybe not), Charles Ninetoes belongs now to the ages. But it was a fun ride.
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Re: WURW theme for Friday June 21 is summer.

Post by Mark » Thu Jun 20, 2019 11:39 pm

You guys caught the croc reference. Extra credit for getting temerity into a post without referencing our friend in NY. Under appreciated word, IMO. I once had a series of PMs with Chucky. Don't remember all the details, just recall thinking WTF.
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Re: WURW theme for Friday June 21 is summer.

Post by JAS1125 » Fri Jun 21, 2019 5:42 am

conjurer wrote:He had a love for very inexpensive watches, which could be bought, say, in a mall kiosk. If anybody had the temerity to buy something more expensive than a $20 watch, Chuck would explode with horror, bust the guy's balls in the thread, and complain about how somebody could spend so much.

And in that regard, he was the King of Ceciling threads....not only would he bust the guy's balls, he would then post a picture of some shitty Sottosuckass as a comparison.
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Re: WURW theme for Friday June 21 is summer.

Post by conjurer » Fri Jun 21, 2019 8:09 am

JAS1125 wrote:
conjurer wrote:He had a love for very inexpensive watches, which could be bought, say, in a mall kiosk. If anybody had the temerity to buy something more expensive than a $20 watch, Chuck would explode with horror, bust the guy's balls in the thread, and complain about how somebody could spend so much.

And in that regard, he was the King of Ceciling threads....not only would he bust the guy's balls, he would then post a picture of some shitty Sottosuckass as a comparison.

Like this:

JOEBLOW posts:

Hey, guys! After many years of toil, I was finally made partner at my law firm, Dewey, Cheatam & Howe! All my school loans have been paid back, I tithe to my church, both kids have a healthy balance in their college funds, and I finally beat my cancer and have been in remission for the last six months. So my fine wife splurged and got me this:


Life is great! Cheers!


Well, Joe, I am astounded that you spent $10K on a watch, of all things!! I would have put that kind of money into my house down the shore!! Well, I had a good week, too--my pinkie toe stump has stopped suppurating, so I matched up my Polo™ shirt and my Crocs and drove down to Kittery Mall and picked up this one:


And, the watch matches my dead molar!
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