NE88 vs 7750

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NE88 vs 7750

Post by biglove » Wed Mar 03, 2021 10:41 pm

Seiko really is an 800 pound gorilla. ETA better take note.

"The NE88 has some features that really stand out and a few causing even seasoned collectors and watch nerds to take notice.

First off is a classic Seiko feature: a triple-tipped hammer that simultaneously and instantly resets all the subdial counters back to zero. It’s a very clean and effective solution already found on the Seiko 8R28, a higher end column-wheel triple vertical clutch movement utilized in the Ananta and Velatura models.

However, more important and eye-opening is the chronograph activation mechanism: a column wheel. Considered by the industry and collectors alike as a more highly coveted mechanism, thanks to its vertical clutch the column wheel offers a much smoother tactile feel than the harder click of the horizontal cam lever chronograph as used in the 7750.

This by itself makes the NE88 a “nicer” movement to use than the one it seeks to supplant." ... r-reprise/
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Re: NE88 vs 7750

Post by thunder1 » Thu Mar 04, 2021 6:58 am

Interesting article!!..thanx for posting!!..
Ebels are a lot like women that lack a low cut dress that zips up the side...neither get the love that they deserve...
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