Ocean wrote:Mort that was Orients statement.
Yeah, I can see that now, as it's not your usual practice to write statements like "perfect for any occasion."
Ocean wrote:I have an 8 1/4 inch wrist. I find that anything over 46mm is too big. I have gone back to 36 to 46mm, with my sweet spot at 38-42mm. It makes a more comfortable fit and feel.
I have a 7 1/2" wrist myself, and I'm finding myself more and more comfortable with the 38-41mm range, and less and less comfortable with anything over 47mm, due in large part for my undying enjoyment of my invicta grand divers (and their VJ7750 pro divers which, coincidentally, are also 47mm). This is getting increasingly problematic, given the size of the vast majority of my Renato collection, but tastes
do change, even for us in the WI (Watch Imbecile - I like this term far better than the pejorative 'geek') crowd.
As to the rest of it, I'm still stinging over a very uncalled-for, very personal rebuke at "another website" last month, so perhaps I'm a bit over-sensitive to any type of labeling or name-calling, even when it's not directed toward me. If you - and most-especially Neds - were in any way offended by my previous post, please accept my sincerest personal apologies.
OBTW, I really
like that Sun & Moon and have officially added it to my WILL (Watch Imbecile Lust List
Mort OUT.