A look at Sinn watches

Deutschland Manufactured Timepieces
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Re: A look at Sinn watches

Post by thunder1 » Sat Aug 21, 2021 3:05 pm

You guys are a bunch of Sinners..
Ebels are a lot like women that lack a low cut dress that zips up the side...neither get the love that they deserve...
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Re: A look at Sinn watches

Post by MKTheVintageBloke » Sun Aug 22, 2021 6:01 pm

My problem with Sinn is that there’s just something that grinds my gears in every single watch of theirs that I could like. The 103 is cool, but I can’t get past the friction-fit bezel. The 356? The „Flieger” moniker on the dial annoys me.
Sometimes I feel that there’s too much of something in a design of theirs, sometimes it just seems somehow wanting.
I admire their quality and specs, I just can’t see myself wearing anything from their current line-up.
Perhaps it’s just me already working for too long in watch retail, I’ve noticed that it’s becoming harder and harder for a watch to have me amazed. I saw a green Submariner, and I found it dull. I adjusted a bracelet in a Speedmaster Racing, and the watch was incredibly boring.
I’ve once heard that my work could give a WIS his daily fix. I suppose it’s not unlikely I’ve simply overdosed.
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Re: A look at Sinn watches

Post by biglove » Sun Aug 22, 2021 6:27 pm

I was fairly unimpressed with Sinn until I actually owned one. Their presence in the metal cannot be understood from photos alone.

There is a level of quality and, for the lack of a better word, preciseness in design and build that is like nothing I have encountered in any other brand.

Once I bought my first, it changed my entire focus.
"Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that's why life is hard."-Jeremy Goldberg
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