Avi Viera interview

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Re: Avi Viera interview

Post by Ocean » Thu May 10, 2012 11:06 am

You know I can't stand the guy that runs that blog. He is quick to scrub it. Seems to be in it just for free watches. Yes Robert I think your a piece of work(being nice). I would never put up his blog as it is garbage.
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Re: Avi Viera interview

Post by mrneddles » Thu May 10, 2012 11:12 am

He gets free watches? Based on characters he interviews, he may have just cracked the $200 total value barrier in free watches.
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Re: Avi Viera interview

Post by DBCooper » Sat May 12, 2012 11:37 am

The guys blog is full of interviews with TV watch salesmen/women Stormchaser. Perhaps it's not the best place to get REAL information. Maybe he is a nice guy...who knows, but the blog is a joke. I don't think you're a troll Stormchaser, I think what we've got here is, failure to communicate.

Mortuus Fakeuus

Re: Avi Viera interview

Post by Mortuus Fakeuus » Sat May 12, 2012 9:56 pm

DBCooper wrote:...I don't think you're a troll, Stormchaser...

Me, neither, Stormy...and I still believe that Avi is nothing more than a 'shillstress.' Alluring, to be sure, but a shillstress* nonetheless... :no:

*The term 'shillstress' comes to us courtesy of a Mr. F. Leghorn, an horological philosopher and semi-curmudgeonly gentleman who is perhaps best known for an ongoing tendency to eat with his pecker.
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Re: Avi Viera interview

Post by Hater » Wed May 16, 2012 2:19 am

Mortuus wrote:I still believe that Avi is nothing more than a shillstress.

I agree with ^.

Lost all hope she would be different tv carni barker when she said that Renato's use of a mineral crystal on a particular model was because it shipped with a rubber strap.
For that I will put her in the same boat as the rest of them.

For the record, her timing was well planned on watchlords and extremely short lived. Though she handled herself ok, she was handled with kid gloves. Partly because of her gender and mostly due to the respect of a long standing member there. Since she disappeared, her welcome I'm sure would be different if she ever resurfaces. Just my .02

Shame JTV watch shows are gone, purchased a nice high end greymarket watch from that network years ago despite Dim Temple.

Mortuus Fakeuus

Re: Avi Viera interview

Post by Mortuus Fakeuus » Wed May 16, 2012 5:04 pm

I guess the fundamental problem that I have with Avi is that she (or at least MBZ) put herself out there as a very knowledgeable watch person, even an expert. Then, when her well-timed membership on WL began, she presented herself as someone who just wanted to learn about watches, become more knowledgeable in support of her TV gig, etc. Very deferential, very solicitous, etc. She even did her best to charm a couple of WL's most curmudgeonly curmudgeons - with decidedly mixed results. However, everyone wished her luck with her TV re-debut as the Renato 'ambassador', irrespective of their personal feelings about her being a newbie on WL.

And then she got on the air and pushed the whole 'hand made - Swiss Mov't' claim as fact.

I am by no means an horological expert. But even I know that Renatos are not 'hand made,' like it says on the dial. Even I know that the term 'Swiss Mov't' is meaningless and not even addressed by the Swiss federation. I love my Renatos, but that doesn't keep me from seeing the truth, warts and all. There are more 'iffy' things about my favorite brand and its 'ambassador' that I could go into, but I see no point in going on and on, ad infinitum.

Tinman, it is not my intent to insult your friend; indeed, like T-Bear, I'm glad to have your insight into Avi's personality. Having said that, though, there is a very well-defined line between selling and shilling, and no one who crosses it can claim to be unaware that they're doing so. No matter how nice or how physically attractive that person might be.

A number of years before earning my USN commission, I was a police officer in a 'major metropolitan area.' While there, I became very good friends with a now-retired homicide detective who became notorious for a recording of him using the 'n-word' during an ostensibly off-the-record interview. That tape was later used to discredit him as a witness during a rather high-profile murder trial some 15 years ago. Was he my friend? Yes. Did I like my friend? Yes. Is my friend a racist? Yes. Anyone who uses that terrible word is a racist in my book. Period. I still like my friend, though I am painfully aware of this tragic shortcoming on his part.

Avi is certainly not guilty of something as nasty as that, but she is a shill for promulgating many of the 'non-truths' about Renato that still haunt the brand, despite its new owner. I've no agenda against Avi, and I bear her no personal ill will. But I do know a turd from a tearose when I see it, whether it's popular piece of knowledge or not.

Sorry for the novella ( :sleep: ), all, but I didn't want anyone to think that my previously posted opinions about Avi were frivolous or not well-thought-out. The eyes and mind are wide open, as they've always been.

Mortuus OUT.
Mortuus Fakeuus

Re: Avi Viera interview

Post by Mortuus Fakeuus » Thu May 17, 2012 7:11 pm

I understand what you're saying, 'Chaser, but in any endeavor, be it a hobby or something more serious, such as an occupation, there are certain standards of integrity and behavior that separate the genuine professional from the dabbling charlatan. Most of us strive for the former and reject the latter. Simply saying that we should all be smart enough to see through the BS does not relieve us of the subjective-yet-very-real responsibility to work towards higher standards in all that we try to accomplish.

If these standards are acknowledged and practiced by the majority of those who choose to engage in a given hobby, profession or belief, it improves and enhances the experience of that hobby, profession or belief. And, for better or worse, it also requires us to identify and reject those elements that detract from and even bring harm to the activity(s) or belief(s) we engage in.

Is Avi a part of the 'bad element' associated with watch collecting? From my standpoint the answer is yes. No, she's not 'evil', but I find her 'professional mendacity' to be every bit as embarrassing to the hobby as Shawn Wilsie, Michael Davis, Tim Temple and even Jim 'Jaws' Skelton because, like them, she's little more than a 'sales rep' who cares nothing for the genuine integrity most of us choose to embrace. Hey, it is her right to earn a living, but that doesn't mean she's exempt from the criticism or ire of those who believe she is not meeting the very high standards that we as collectors (or WIS's) almost always set for ourselves.

I suppose I could be accused of being naive, at best, or, at worst, a snob, but the ground truth is that there are always better behaviors and standards that should be strived for. They are the natural outcroppings of the passion we feel for our rather strange, compelling 'little hobby.'

'Chaser, I have thoroughly enjoyed your insightful posts and discussions on this forum, and I firmly believe that you're no more a troll than I am. Which makes this particular statement strike me as being genuinely and depressingly cynical:

stormchaser wrote:"If the geeks fall for any bullshit spewed, I don't care. If a pair of boobs and a script sell watches, that's the American way. The company does well and people stay employed."


I would submit that, yes, it'll work that way for a while, but in the final analysis, it bites everyone in the ass and ultimately blemishes (and even destroys, in some cases) the very passion that fuels this marvelous passtime of ours.

There. I'm finally off that bloodydamned soapbox...many thanks for reading this overlong and somewhat rambling post. No insult or accusation was intended, but I figure you already know that.

'Mortuus is winchester, angels two-six, R-T-B, OUT' :cyclops:
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Re: Avi Viera interview

Post by Hater » Fri May 18, 2012 2:41 am

Stormchaser wrote: The only thing we should be concerned with, IMO, is to remain educated consumers.
I realize that's probably not the popular opinion when it comes to TEEVEE watch sales, but I also try not to take these things too seriously.






Mortuus Fakeuus

Re: Avi Viera interview

Post by Mortuus Fakeuus » Fri May 18, 2012 11:07 am

Stormchaser wrote:I agree with you for the most part Mortuus.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, if it's sold on TV, you sorta get what you pay for and I've just learned to accept that.

I don't put these watches (or the people selling them) on any sort of pedestal. Although it is interesting to read into things and criticize (constructively) from time to time. :o

Yep, definitely on the same page here... :face:

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Re: Avi Viera interview

Post by itfc1959 » Sun May 20, 2012 8:12 am

Seems like a nice girl.


The rule of thumb, as ever, has to be caveat emptor. It doesn't matter if they're butt-ugly: if what they are offering looks to be too good to be true, then it probably is. It doesn't matter if it's Invicta, Renato or SO: people have wised up and even they must know that if they're going to try to pull a fast one then they will be found out, sure as night follows day.
Mortuus Fakeuus

Re: Avi Viera interview

Post by Mortuus Fakeuus » Sun May 20, 2012 10:59 am

itfc1959 wrote:Seems like a nice girl.


The rule of thumb, as ever, has to be caveat emptor. It doesn't matter if they're butt-ugly: if what they are offering looks to be too good to be true, then it probably is. It doesn't matter if it's Invicta, Renato or SO: people have wised up and even they must know that if they're going to try to pull a fast one then they will be found out, sure as night follows day.

Well said, and I hope you are right about all of that, especially that last bit... :bom:
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Re: Avi Viera interview

Post by temerityb » Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:41 am

That blog bugs me. Cripes; the guy can't read, write, punctuate, or spell. Wait - that's the perfect type of person to be blogging about TV watches, what am I saying.

As for Avi, honestly, she seems like an okay sort; I kind of feel sorry for her, in a way, because repping TV watches is obviously a tightrope of sleight-of-hand; say certain things, hide others, and when called out on your claims, hide. That's what the Skeltons, Davises, Temples, and their ilk have always done, and when you're bringing on a $400 watch that's worth $130 in real money and trumpeting it as an heirloom, there's gonna be more than a little BS in there to try to push TV watchers to reach for their credit cards. It's a sorry job with a short shelf life, but she seems the type to bounce into another field without too much trouble - but seeing a seemingly nice person jump into a shark tank to make a living is troubling. But that's home shopping; porn stars have more integrity than home shopping hosts.
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