An Embarrassing Number of Renato's...A Pictoral Essay

Welcome to my Renato collection / collezioni. The title, An Embarrassing Number of Renato's, stems from what I've been telling my watch-collecting friends, both online and off, for the better part of a year now. With all the things I'd come to learn about Renato's founder and original CEO, Daniel Mink, all of the Renato's I'd been collecting since 2008 just seemed to lose their luster. Yet it was those very online friends, both here and at Watchlords, who brought me back around to where I was before, though this time with eyes wide open. At the request of my WL friend and Admin of this forum, mrneddles, I've decided to "show them off" here.
The watches in this collection are, in my humble opine, exceptionally attractive. Yet, there are some problems with a few of them, problems that certainly aren't "show stoppers," but are still of concern to someone who, like me, genuinely loves the brand. I'll point out a couple of them here, but I won't dwell on them. After all, a man with 29 Renato's - or 29 of any lower- to mid-priced watch brand - can't expect the near-perfection of Rolex, Patek, Longines, etc.
A word about the pink boxes (as someone - no doubt with the awesome force of a 5th Grade education behind them - is bound to mention them): Yes, I have two of them. There was - and still is, as far as I know - a shortage of the original black Renato collector's boxes. When you can find them, they are invariably pricy. The pink ones seem to be far more plentiful these days, and they have a price that reflects this. As a man who does not fear the sight of the color pink (unlike the aforementioned 5th Grade insult-hurler), I was glad to find them. I did recently find a second black box, but having already just about filled the second pink one, I didn't see any reason to transfer them over simply because of the color of the box. Now, if you still want to give me a hard time for the ladies (or "girl's" if you prefer) box, have at it. I'm a proud WL WIS, and I'm more than up to the task of responding in kind.

Again, welcome to my Collezioni de Renato.
Box Numero Uno

Box Number Two

I dunno - Third Box! (So-named in honor of Abbott & Costello)

My Very First Renato

A stainless steel Cyclops, with a salmon-colored (or pink, if you insist


GREEN is my favorite color, though that's not the primary reason I purchased this green + gunmetal Mostro 55; that particular honor goes to the great price I paid for it. (And no, I won't tell you what that was; with Renato and Shop asking nearly $800 for them, it would be unseemly and "bragadocious" of me...don't know if that's a word or not, but I like it, so it stays.


Black diamonds in a pave' setting. Sounds like a great idea, but the reality was a bit of a disappointment. Black diamonds don't catch the light and return a fiery, beautiful light the way white or yellow (and even some species of brown) diamonds do. (The above photo was the best I could do with the flash feature on a sunny day...) On the plus side, the gold electroplated Swiss ETA 2824 is a beautiful thing to look at (see below); maybe I should have the bracelet turned over so I can wear it with the movement on display...?

My Strangest Renato

While the watch looks pretty decent in the above photo, the bezel and center links in the bracelet are actually made of an off-white (almost grey) rubber-like substance. It seems to be on the porous side; I say this because it seems to be something of a "stain magnet." Although it is rather difficult to photograph, take a look at the picture below; between points A and B, running along the top edge of the bezel is a soiled area about the width of a pencil lead. While it's not easy to see in the photo, it's far more noticable in-person.

A picture is worth a thousand words, though my photography is not...

...'Nuff said.

My Second-Most Disappointing Renato

See it...? No? How 'bout this one:

Alas, the retrograde day indicator, the small yellow hand near the cannon pinion at about the 10 o'clock position, has a little problem that not even Viagra can fix. I guess it'll get fixed eventually; I'm just not so sure I want to send it to Renato to have it done.
Still, it's a beautiful watch, and the big date quartz movement is cool; cool enough that Android also uses it (see the comparison photo below).

My Coolest Looking Renato (IMHO)

Just L@@K at all that gold! (Sorry for the silly eBay thing with the word "look"; don't know what came over me...) For a watch that's all the same color, it's amazingly easy to read unless...

...someone interferes with the photographer...and I managed to get a photo of the perpetrator:

Now how can anyone be mad at a face like that one? (BTW, that's my beloved "hairy child," Daffodil Clementine." Cute, ain't she...?

Okay, So They're NOT Renato's...But Think of Them as Cousins Now that Renato and XOSkeleton are Part of the Same Family

I actually had a friend over at WL ask me "what the hell is that?" when I posted one of them (the one with the red stones) on the Watch UR Wearing page a couple of weeks back. I told him that it was an XOS "Superlative Star," and that it was so bloody-damned fugly that I just HAD to have it. He was cool with that, but I guess he probably still wonders what's wrong with me...

[color=blue]That's ALL, Folks!!
Well, fellow Renatoforumites, that's it; my "embarrassing" collection of Renato (and XOS)watches. Hope the post wasn't too long (or boring, for that matter). Many thanks for taking the time to have a look, and remember: a clean response is a happy response. [/color]