Moldy Mechanical Machine of the Month: October 2014

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Re: Mort's Moldy Mechanical Machine of the Month: October 20

Post by AJC » Thu Oct 02, 2014 8:39 am

Beautiful old watch you have there Mort, and a surpisingly even better review than normal. I didn't think it could happen.

I found this similar ladies version for a buck at a yard sale...


It needs to be regulated, as soon as I can pry the back off.

Keep up the good work Don!
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Re: Mort's Moldy Mechanical Machine of the Month: October 20

Post by biglove » Sun Oct 05, 2014 10:19 pm

Best review yet written, Mort!

You have an ability to paint with words that is exceptional! I picture it all in my head, vivid colors and action, you and your friends and your Timex.

The condition of this one is just amazing. The hands are the first thing I noticed and I cannot recall ever seeing their style before. I am constantly impressed with the elegance of fine vintage pieces and Timex, a working man's watch, really outdid themselves with this design.

Going to have to share this on FB!
"Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that's why life is hard."-Jeremy Goldberg
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