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wtb zodiac oceanaire
i Love toobars Myself. some-times i Sit in My lay-zee-bouy and Eat raw pertatos and Watch ship-NBZ and When i get a bonar Watching jill Somerset i Roap the kangarew, all The while as i Sit in the Lazy-boy and eat Tooburs.
Re: wtb zodiac oceanaire
O, wow Cowjiggler, I lov thim tubars m'self, two!, yessur...Eye doan gott me uh layzeebuoy, butt eye dew gotts uh bark-o-loungur witH fow fir in leperd an uh Hiden remoat Stoaridge Spaice in thuh arm so ewe nevver gots to wury aboat loosing yore TeeVee Remoat. i I sumptimes hyde muh tuBars ther, butt nawt alwayz, accorse...ya gawttuh B carful lest thuh dawg gits innar un eets 'em.
I ekspeshally luv thuh soweet tooburs accuz theyz reel soweet. Ann they tern muh tung ORNGE! (That iz how Dim Timpal sez 'orundge.' He say ORNGE! ann awl ah wunnah dew iz puntch Him innuh GIZZURD!!) Innyhowe, ah shore lovs thum kutt up slyced ann surved withh buttturd noodills ann fryed orca ocre okruh. tHats wun fyne meel, yessur! Ewe orta tryem, Cairnstacker!! Ewe cun evin havum wiff saltid porK rhynds (
) an hawt fresh fISh sandwedges...yumm, it givs muh tumy A Reel BOANUR!! 
I ekspeshally luv thuh soweet tooburs accuz theyz reel soweet. Ann they tern muh tung ORNGE! (That iz how Dim Timpal sez 'orundge.' He say ORNGE! ann awl ah wunnah dew iz puntch Him innuh GIZZURD!!) Innyhowe, ah shore lovs thum kutt up slyced ann surved withh buttturd noodills ann fryed orca ocre okruh. tHats wun fyne meel, yessur! Ewe orta tryem, Cairnstacker!! Ewe cun evin havum wiff saltid porK rhynds (

- conjurer
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Re: wtb zodiac oceanaire
i Eats my Tubulors raw, Mortence, because They tastte better That way.
BTW (Bye the Way) i wood Like to Bye a Barco-Jayson-Reclinar; how Much do they Cost? because i Don't not make a Lot of moneys or dollers at The asbeastos factry, GODAM IT.
BTW (Bye the Way) i wood Like to Bye a Barco-Jayson-Reclinar; how Much do they Cost? because i Don't not make a Lot of moneys or dollers at The asbeastos factry, GODAM IT.
Re: wtb zodiac oceanaire
Doan chew meen ewe wont wunna thEm Jaysun-Undurskore-Reeklinurz...? Ah herd they's REEL NYCE niyce kewl un kumfartabull. Ann theyy cum in reely difernt cullarz, sich azz purty-en-pinkk, Grammawz Gravee Glayze un evun Tarnayshun Tooburlar Tann. Ewe kin eevun ardur wun witth perple chairubbs an nekkid laydeez wearun they draypereez frum off ther windowz. Theyy l@@ks reel kewl in yore mankave!! 

- Ocean
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- conjurer
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Re: wtb zodiac oceanaire
Ocean wrote:After reading this thread think we a members only area.
pleas Don't not Due this thing, Mr. Osean: it'd would Bee a sad State of Afairs and Most of us Wood ferget are pass-words, So we Wood. than mortence and i Wood have No plase to Disgust our diffarent kinds Of Underscored reclaining Cheers.
Re: wtb zodiac oceanaire
wE doant nede uh mimburs onlee sexshun, mr. Oceanopolus! Oui jess wunna tock aboot them finer thingz in Lyfe, sich az thuh soopurb waers uhvayluhball onlee frumm ok playciz lyke UNdurskore REEklinurz 'n sich, nott tuh menshun uthr cewl thangz, likE arrubbbaloobaluber fresh Greak toobur hawt pawketts.... wiTh udderlee umazin flayvurz liKe toober tawts an gorlic rayzinn tubar tubbs.. Pleeez, miStur OShin doan sensur us!!! 

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Re: wtb zodiac oceanaire
i Konkerr, godam It.
- Posts: 681
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Re: wtb zodiac oceanaire
I too concur. To move a particular thread to a Members Only forum because it may be offensive or not PC to some who may view it is a slippery slope. That's not to say, at some point we may want to start a MO forum for selected members.
It works at WL's and it could work here as well............just my 2 cents
It works at WL's and it could work here as well............just my 2 cents
Re: wtb zodiac oceanaire
Jes so! Lissen tuh mistur Edd! Wheez jus gud ol fellurz withh bade bakks, hemi-rides, an prostrate glans thuh size uh'v pee-lotty bawls whu git tugedder an discus varyus thangs. An yess, whee tock abowt tyme-peacez,,,so pleez doan't mufle ower phree speach...I hain't hadduh chanst tuh tock tuh thuh udder fellers abaut thuh Boyle (nawt 'Susen" boyle, Conjurger) own muh test-tickuler sac...how'm ah goan dew thayt if'n wheez sensorin' everthang..........? JEEBUS...
- Ocean
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Re: wtb zodiac oceanaire
Mortuus wrote:arubalou wrote:conjurer wrote:If this thread doesn't bring in a flood of new members, I don't know what will.
You's sertinly kee-rekt own that-there estermayshun, Corndawgjugular, butt whee gotter mak shure thAt wee olny sIgn upp thuh Krem-deli-Krem of horkologykull cullekturer cunsoomers sich as this noo jeller feller, aroo-balooba-looober (whooz favert veggibull iz thuh Toober!!)...
yuew mens are rite it taks speshul peeple to joyn a classi forim lyk thys. i suspekt tho ifn yoo lyke invicters n vahlu payz yew wood b intrsstd two joyne hear.
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Re: wtb zodiac oceanaire
A tred susch as dis un, is de purfict xamble of divr city n tha interwebz. Alz us fellas gettn getter diskun wunder fill timpeizes an such. Illbeit sum ya fellers sund funi.
Re: wtb zodiac oceanaire
Eye dunno 'bout thuh invicter fellers sintz mose uv us doan menshun favert brans two verry offen. BuTT frum whut ah kno 'bout mrDrNeedles, he woodent hole it agin sumwun if'n theyr fannz'uv thatt er inny bran, butt'cepting may-B StewHurling Aboriginnal witch kno wun wiff haff uh horkologickal brane wood B uh faneboei uv.
Butt ewe no whut scars Me is sumyhin sumthin BigEdddSurfbord sed in hiz pre-v-uss posted:
Duzziss meen thate theyz goan putt uss fonkshinnal interpolates innuh webb-stile contcentrayshun cabinutt? Eyes reel scarred, boyz! Whuts goan happen trw yuh tew us fellers hoo doan spel sew gud?
Butt ewe no whut scars Me is sumyhin sumthin BigEdddSurfbord sed in hiz pre-v-uss posted:
(thuh imfassiss's myne-nawt-hiz}BigOlEddSurfer wrote: That's not to say, at some point we may want to start a MO forum for selected members.
Duzziss meen thate theyz goan putt uss fonkshinnal interpolates innuh webb-stile contcentrayshun cabinutt? Eyes reel scarred, boyz! Whuts goan happen trw yuh tew us fellers hoo doan spel sew gud?

- conjurer
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Re: wtb zodiac oceanaire
well Sayde, mort-a-gue.
Re: wtb zodiac oceanaire
Thaks allawt, Contraceptioner!! Ah doan reely no whut ah saiD thate wuzz so brilly-unt, butt isle tayk take whut eyes kin git...ahh shore hoaps thate mrDrnoodles dont throww us owtta this hear cite... i got nowher els ta go! {he sed, quoating gud ol Wretched Gear in "Ann Ossifer an uh Gerbilmann"} 

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Re: wtb zodiac oceanaire
Don't be skerred Morticia.........all I'm saying is that everyone who signs on for membership, isn't as pure of heart as you and our other colleagues. Punctuation and spelling and whatnot aside.
The Admin ( Doktor McNeedles ) should have discretion to decide who proves themselves worthy to enter a MO forum, if in fact we start one. That is what i meant by "selected members".
The Admin ( Doktor McNeedles ) should have discretion to decide who proves themselves worthy to enter a MO forum, if in fact we start one. That is what i meant by "selected members".
Re: wtb zodiac oceanaire
O I C...ewe ment a eleetust MO paige, whar ewe haftuh proov urseff werthy tuh git in...klass invy bein plaid up agin fellers sich uz muh'self en Conjooler an aruaruaruaruaru'n so fourth...ah beter gits m'seff awf tuh cawlidge so's ah kin joyn thuh eleet MOPage...!!!
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Re: wtb zodiac oceanaire
i Wood knot want Two bee a Mambar of a Klub that Wood half me As a mambur.
Re: wtb zodiac oceanaire
Ann thuh nex thang theyz goan dew is stort yoozin' thuh Race cardd!! An eye doan evin LYKE Nasscore!! En ewe cun take them gran pee racers an stick em up ol Hercul's but!!