Watch Pic of the Month

A place for the best watch pic of the month, selected by the Admin Team and voted upon by the membership
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Watch Pic of the Month

Post by JAS1125 » Tue May 07, 2019 6:23 am

Something we did at the old BDWF:

Each month, the Admin Team will review the Watch you Wearing posts to select 3 of the "best" watch pics.
Doesn't have to be a wrist shot, it can be any type of setting or background as long a watch is there.

The Team will then post the monthly selections in this sub-forum, for the best of the best to be voted upon by you the Membership.

Unfortunately, there are no prizes...other than the winner being the recipient of the adoration and respect of the entire WIS community on the face of the planet! So there's that....

Brush up on your photo skill and if you need some help, we have that too

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