Big Ed Surf Memorial Take-a-Penny, Leave-a-Penny Trade Post

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Mortuus Fakeuus

Big Ed Surf Memorial Take-a-Penny, Leave-a-Penny Trade Post

Post by Mortuus Fakeuus » Fri Jul 01, 2016 8:02 pm

Artman wrote:So.... how do you play this game?

Here's a quote of the post with the rules, Arty (and it's so simple, even a dead guy can do it!):
DocMcNeedles man's trash is another's treasure, or watch giveaway chain mail.

I have come up with a new give-away game we all can participate in. We all have the watch drawer full of "misfit" watches, either not our style, broken, or no longer worn and not worth selling. Here is a way to move them on to happier homes:

-One person will list the watch as a give-away. This watch can be broken, need battery, whatever. Any condition is fine!

-If anyone wants it, they must step forward and make a post saying they will take it by replying to the thread. First come, first serve!

-At that point I will lock the thread until the watch is delivered to its new home. Once I receive notice that the watch has arrived, I will unlock the thread, the new owner now MUST list a watch from their boxes to be given away. Then repeat the above process.

The Rules:
Post a pic and adequately describe the watch.
Mail it to the new owner via a traceable method.
No catch and release, if the watch is not to your liking, you must keep it and try to give it away at another round.
I may change the rules as needed for logistics.
I think that is it. Have fun.
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Big Ed Surf Memorial Take-a-Penny, Leave-a-Penny Trade Post

Post by svaglic » Sat Feb 18, 2017 9:58 am

Artman wrote:I'm still fuzzy on how this works.

A watch is offered up, first person that wants it posts they want it. The thread will be closed until the person gets the watch and has a watch of theirs they are ready to offer up. The thread opens with a new offering, from the person who got the last one, and the first person who wants it will post they want it and it starts all over.

It can be a parts watch or one you don't wear anymore, the idea is that what one person may not like, another may love it or have the means to fix a broken watch.
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Big Ed Surf Memorial Take-a-Penny, Leave-a-Penny Trade Post

Post by kahuna74 » Sat Feb 18, 2017 3:50 pm

svaglic wrote:
Artman wrote:I'm still fuzzy on how this works.

A watch is offered up, first person that wants it posts they want it. The thread will be closed until the person gets the watch and has a watch of theirs they are ready to offer up. The thread opens with a new offering, from the person who got the last one, and the first person who wants it will post they want it and it starts all over.

It can be a parts watch or one you don't wear anymore, the idea is that what one person may not like, another may love it or have the means to fix a broken watch.

Well said this has been a part of this forum for many years.
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Big Ed Surf Memorial Take-a-Penny, Leave-a-Penny Trade Post

Post by Ocean » Sun Aug 19, 2018 7:20 am

mrneddles man's trash is another's treasure, or watch giveaway chain mail.

I have come up with a new give-away game we all can participate in. We all have the watch drawer full of "misfit" watches, either not our style, broken, or no longer worn and not worth selling. Here is a way to move them on to happier homes:

-One person will list the watch as a give-away. This watch can be broken, need battery, whatever. Any condition is fine!

-If anyone wants it, they must step forward and make a post saying they will take it by replying to the thread. First come, first serve!

-At that point I will lock the thread until the watch is delivered to its new home. Once I receive notice that the watch has arrived, I will unlock the thread, the new owner now MUST list a watch from their boxes to be given away. Then repeat the above process.

The Rules:
Post a pic and adequately describe the watch.
Mail it to the new owner via a traceable method.
No catch and release, if the watch is not to your liking, you must keep it and try to give it away at another round.
I may change the rules as needed for logistics.

I think that is it. Have fun. I will start:

I’m going to go search for a penny! I think it’s time to reopen! I’m open to debate just don’t want it to be only two people.
Mortuus Fakeuus

Big Ed Surf Memorial Take-a-Penny, Leave-a-Penny Trade Post

Post by Mortuus Fakeuus » Sun Aug 19, 2018 8:41 am

I don't think we'll have too much trouble getting par-tici-pants to answer the call of Johnny Owens to "Come on down!" and play the game...there'll be at least four or five doing the dance and kickin' out the jams at any given time, so numbers of haids in hats shouldn't be an issue. I think we'll ALL be glad to see taplap make its well-deserved come back...well, except maybe for Conjurer, who always got beat out and never won nuthin', but that's weed of a differn't shade that got burned down to roaches long, long ago... 8) Ahem...yes.
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Re: Big Ed Surf Memorial Take-a-Penny, Leave-a-Penny Trade P

Post by JAS1125 » Fri Mar 22, 2019 9:00 am

kahuna74 wrote:
svaglic wrote:
Artman wrote:I'm still fuzzy on how this works.

A watch is offered up, first person that wants it posts they want it. The thread will be closed until the person gets the watch and has a watch of theirs they are ready to offer up. The thread opens with a new offering, from the person who got the last one, and the first person who wants it will post they want it and it starts all over.

It can be a parts watch or one you don't wear anymore, the idea is that what one person may not like, another may love it or have the means to fix a broken watch.

Well said this has been a part of this forum for many years.

Giving this a bump....this was before I joined so seeing if there is any interest in bringing this back
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Re: Big Ed Surf Memorial Take-a-Penny, Leave-a-Penny Trade P

Post by Artman » Sun Mar 31, 2019 4:11 pm

I think I figured this out. Got a project G Shock 3230 here. I don't know if I broke it or just don't know how to reset it. It kinda still works, but having problems with the pushers. I hate to think that I actually broke a G Shock, so hopefully one of you will be able to kiss this, make it better and give it a good home.
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Re: Big Ed Surf Memorial Take-a-Penny, Leave-a-Penny Trade P

Post by Ocean » Sun Mar 31, 2019 5:26 pm

mrneddles man's trash is another's treasure, or watch giveaway chain mail.

I have come up with a new give-away game we all can participate in. We all have the watch drawer full of "misfit" watches, either not our style, broken, or no longer worn and not worth selling. Here is a way to move them on to happier homes:

-One person will list the watch as a give-away. This watch can be broken, need battery, whatever. Any condition is fine!

-If anyone wants it, they must step forward and make a post saying they will take it by replying to the thread. First come, first serve!

-At that point I will lock the thread until the watch is delivered to its new home. Once I receive notice that the watch has arrived, I will unlock the thread, the new owner now MUST list a watch from their boxes to be given away. Then repeat the above process.

The Rules:
Post a pic and adequately describe the watch.
Mail it to the new owner via a traceable method.
No catch and release, if the watch is not to your liking, you must keep it and try to give it away at another round.
I may change the rules as needed for logistics.

I think that is it. Have fun. I will start:

This is the original post that we talked about many moons ago. BigEd was one of the biggest contributors and the reason why it’s his memorial. Often referred to as TAPLAP. I know I have put up some vintage stuff, a few automatics I rebuilt and taken a few along the way.
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