An EXCELLENT Seller...and Friend
All of us at one time or another have bought and/or traded watches, some more than others. There are good deals and bad, sellers of treasure and sellers of junk. And some sell both treasure and junk with a depressing regularity. Still, the vast majority of non-commercial sellers -- guys and gals just trying to make a change to the collection -- are good people who sell good watches. Sometimes, though, you come across a seller who possesses truly excellent standards and sells nothing less than excellent watches. One such seller, who also happens to be my very good friend, resides both here and at Watchlords, where he's one of their founders.
I'm talking about Florida's own eddiea, who has sold me some amazing watches at equally amazing prices, so much so that I'd like to share some pictures of them with you, if you don't mind. I think you'll agree that each and every one of these watches exudes pure class and high quality...just like the gent who sold them to me.
Sector Limited Edition Auto Diver 600

Hamilton Valiant Auto

Vintage Seiko Bullhead

Aquastar Grand Air

Tissot Seastar 1000 Auto Diver

And finally, my most recent "eddiea purchase," as I've come to call these transactions, a beautiful Fortis automatic chrono that I've been wearing for a few weeks, but had yet to share it with my Watchforums family. This watch really does represent the zenith in class and fine engineering, courtesy of my good friend and favorite seller...
Fortis Automatic Chronograph - AKA "The Panda"

If you ever have the opportunity to purchase a watch from Eddie, you will in no way be disappointed; his attention to detail in packing, shipping and communicating with his buyers is superb in all respects. And then there are the intangibles, that 'sense' that you're dealing with someone who knows the watch-biz in and out, has loved owning each and every watch he sells, and is genuinely excited for his buyers who, upon receiving these amazing pieces, are going to be thrilled with their purchases.
The best part, though, is knowing that you're dealing with a good friend, someone who's not trying to eke out a few bucks more to support an unrealistic -- at best -- return on investment. The above watches represent a goodly amount of money, but each and every one of them are worth more than I paid for them, and I've had zero buyer's remorse/guilt, which, given my Jewish and Catholic roots, is almost a miracle in and of itself.
As always, please accept my sincerest thanks for having a look at these truly amazing watches and, at the same time, almost certainly, embarrass my buddy, edds. This post really had two goals: (1) Pass along some very positive buying experiences, and; (2) Show off the beautiful watches I've been so lucky to acquire. I hope I've achieved both.
Again, many thanks for dropping by...
I'm talking about Florida's own eddiea, who has sold me some amazing watches at equally amazing prices, so much so that I'd like to share some pictures of them with you, if you don't mind. I think you'll agree that each and every one of these watches exudes pure class and high quality...just like the gent who sold them to me.
Sector Limited Edition Auto Diver 600

Hamilton Valiant Auto

Vintage Seiko Bullhead

Aquastar Grand Air

Tissot Seastar 1000 Auto Diver

And finally, my most recent "eddiea purchase," as I've come to call these transactions, a beautiful Fortis automatic chrono that I've been wearing for a few weeks, but had yet to share it with my Watchforums family. This watch really does represent the zenith in class and fine engineering, courtesy of my good friend and favorite seller...
Fortis Automatic Chronograph - AKA "The Panda"

If you ever have the opportunity to purchase a watch from Eddie, you will in no way be disappointed; his attention to detail in packing, shipping and communicating with his buyers is superb in all respects. And then there are the intangibles, that 'sense' that you're dealing with someone who knows the watch-biz in and out, has loved owning each and every watch he sells, and is genuinely excited for his buyers who, upon receiving these amazing pieces, are going to be thrilled with their purchases.
The best part, though, is knowing that you're dealing with a good friend, someone who's not trying to eke out a few bucks more to support an unrealistic -- at best -- return on investment. The above watches represent a goodly amount of money, but each and every one of them are worth more than I paid for them, and I've had zero buyer's remorse/guilt, which, given my Jewish and Catholic roots, is almost a miracle in and of itself.
As always, please accept my sincerest thanks for having a look at these truly amazing watches and, at the same time, almost certainly, embarrass my buddy, edds. This post really had two goals: (1) Pass along some very positive buying experiences, and; (2) Show off the beautiful watches I've been so lucky to acquire. I hope I've achieved both.
Again, many thanks for dropping by...

Last edited by Mortuus Fakeuus on Thu Nov 06, 2014 3:36 am, edited 1 time in total.