Perpetual Jokes

A place for everything else, such as automotive, entertainment, humor etc. Just leave out politics and religion.
Mortuus Fakeuus

Re: Perpetual Jokes

Post by Mortuus Fakeuus » Sat Jul 21, 2018 11:35 am

Q: Why did Helen Keller's dog run away?

A: You'd run away too if your name was "Uuughfff!"
Mortuus Fakeuus

Re: Perpetual Jokes

Post by Mortuus Fakeuus » Tue Jul 24, 2018 6:50 pm

svaglic wrote:Mort, is there any truth to this?


I'm afeared so, mon ami, I'm afeared SO... Which is why everything I fly must have at least TWO engines! ;)
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Re: Perpetual Jokes

Post by Artman » Tue Jul 24, 2018 9:59 pm

Mortuus wrote:
svaglic wrote:Mort, is there any truth to this?


I'm afeared so, mon ami, I'm afeared SO... Which is why everything I fly must have at least TWO engines! ;)

This is no joke! I love his reaction at the end.
Mortuus Fakeuus

Re: Perpetual Jokes

Post by Mortuus Fakeuus » Wed Jul 25, 2018 12:48 pm

That is one lucky mo-fo...and yet ANOTHER argument against single-engine aircraft in "recreational" aviation. Still, both pilot AND passenger displayed some seriously large balls 'o steel to complement the left-seater's obviously superior flying skills...

(The SAD thing here is that, in 99% of cases like this, the owner had some sort of on-the-tarmac warning that there was something afoul with his/her aircraft -- be it a "chuffing" noise they'd never heard before, or some sort of timing count that was suddenly WAY off TDC, or a ground-stall of the engine, even a "funny" smell to the fuel -- and yet he/she chooses to ignore it and continue flying the plane. In the end, a mid-air engine stall-out such as the one in the film clip did not come as much of a surprise as one might think to these practitioners of the religion of "deferred aircraft maintenance." Dumb brassards that they are... :shock: )
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