AJC wrote:Thanks guys!
A bottle of alprazolam sure does sound nice, but my doc has been with me since my drug addiction days, so he's not going to be RXing me any benzos... not that I would accept them.
Therapy is already going on, as well as escitalopram and trazodone.
Therapy, in my experience is the key. The MEDS are a stop gap measure or an adjunct long term. The Lexapro and Trazadone are a good combo. That Trazadome should help you sleep and the max dose is way up there so lots of room to wiggle with adjustments!
Neurontin, off label use, has been used for panic/anxiety along with a gazillion other off label uses.
From a physical side, always stay well hydrated. I drink 150-250 oz water/day but am 6'4", 312#. Believe it or not, many find help with yoga. Not the the stuff you eat or the Hindu guy who hasn't bathed for 30 years or the Cartoon bear; but, the exercise!
Something to try, too.
PM if you ever need to talk and be glad to give you my cell number.
Hang in there, friend.