Charles Ninetoze is outraged

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Re: Charles Ninetoze is outraged

Post by biglove » Sat Jul 24, 2021 8:47 am

God, I HATE those damned shoes, if they can even be called that.

But I bet they mop the floor with the copycats. I see a big payday coming to the Croc original.
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Re: Charles Ninetoze is outraged

Post by Mark » Sat Jul 24, 2021 2:26 pm

Chuckies view on knock off crocs could go either way. His well documented affinity for cheap knock off watches may have expanded to other purchases.
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Re: Charles Ninetoze is outraged

Post by temerityb » Sat Jul 24, 2021 8:50 pm

Mark has a great point.

As an old friend of mine told a Barry Manilow fan: His taste is in his mouth.
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Re: Charles Ninetoze is outraged

Post by conjurer » Sat Jul 24, 2021 10:58 pm

Chuckie, aka Charles Ninetoze, aka Charles Ninetoes, aka MBA1996 (or something), was one of the true douchebags in watch forum history. Possessing a true always-the-victim-thing, Mr. 9Toes always felt that everybody was after him. That, and his annoying penchant for photobombing anybody's new watch thread (assuming that person posted a watch worth more than, say, thirty-five dollars) with one of his appalling cheap watches, made him almost an old BDWF pain in the fucking ass.

Breaking the never-post-your-own-photo-as-your-avatar rule, Mr. 9Toes did, indeed, post his own photo at BDWF as his avatar, apparently taken at one of his kid's weddings. There's Chuck, wearing a cutaway suit, grimacing at the camera like he'd just passed a kidney stone.

As unlikely as it would seem, Chuck emailed me at one point, telling me that he was going to join at WLs. Out of some weird sense of obligation, I emailed him back, advising him that this probably wouldn't be a very intelligent move. But join he did, and ended up more assraped and passed around by the membership there more than Patty Hearst did by the Symbionese Liberation Army.

As Mark alludes to in the thread title, Chuck had an unspeakable attraction to Crocs, which he would lovingly match to his Polo shirts, and possibly to his Goer wartche Straps GODAM it. As Bill Maher once said, Crocs shouldn't be worn by anybody but children under seven or mental patients. But wear Crocs Chuck did, and he was goddamned proud of it.

Alas, Chuck has vanished from the forums, and lives on only in our memory.
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